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7 Keys to Feeling Happier in Life


By: Mark Williams

Author of Presence, Power and Profit ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

Happiness does not come from reaching the top of the mountain, or by reaching our goals…

...It comes from LOVING the journey and the process that gets us there. 

It doesn’t come from realising we no longer need to change and grow…

...It comes from realising we CAN change and grow, and that is something to be EXCITED about.

Studies have shown that happier people become more productive and achieve more of their goals in life… 

...Yet unfortunately, so many people believe in the myth that happiness is caused the other way around (that they must ‘achieve success’ in order to feel happy).

“I’ll be happy when …” is a dangerous statement to make. And it sets people up to go months, or years, without allowing themselves to feel happy. 

And even when reaching the top of a mountain, the human condition is to feel elated for a moment… 

...Only to then see that as the new normal, and now need to achieve the next goal to feel happy. 

There are 4 main chemicals in the brain that influence our feelings of happiness…

1.    Dopamine

2.    Oxytocin

3.    Serotonin

4.    Endorphins

And each plays a different role in how we experience happiness. 

Discover the psychological secret to magnetically attract success into EVERY area of your life ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

Dopamine is what we feel when we enjoy striving for a goal. 

Oxytocin is what we feel when we are being social.

Serotonin is what we feel when we are in a good mood. Interestingly up to 90% of Serotonin is produced in the gut, and is heavily influenced by what we feed ourselves. 

Endorphins are associated with the fight or flight response, and are what helps push you through challenging periods in life, or with fighting towards difficult goals. 

Here are 7 keys to feeling happier in life...

By feeling happier on a daily basis, you’ll in turn find that your productivity will improve AND you’ll achieve more of what you want in your life...

 1.   Cultivate a Growth-Oriented Mindset

 According to Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, there are two main mindsets we can navigate through life with … Growth and Fixed.

People with a fixed mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence levels are static. So they tend to plateau in everything they work towards, as they believe they have reached their predetermined potential.

In reality, they tend to achieve far less than their true potential. And go through life less happy than those with a growth oriented mindset. 

Those with a Growth Mindset believe that their abilities and intelligence can improve over time. 

That means they can not only get better at learning a particular skill, but their actual ability to learn can improve also.

Those with a growth mindset tend to feel happier, as they see their potential for success as being far greater than those with a static mindset.

This belief in their potential leads to a more positive view of the world, and also leads to much more positive long term results in life. 

Those with the fixed mindset tend to get more consumed with ‘proving themselves’ while those with the growth mindset, get more consumed with taking action that leads to the outcomes they are looking for. 

The growth mindset leads to a powerful passion for learning, and for stretching yourself (even when things aren’t going well). 

The growth mindset leads to enjoying obstacles and seeing them and opportunities for learning and self improvement. 

2.   Develop and Optimists View of the World

In many situations optimists and pessimists are both right … However, in life, optimists tend to be happier and achieve more success.

Optimists also suffer less anxiety, depression and stress than pessimists. Optimists are also more action-oriented than pessimists. 

So it’s not just what happens to you that is an important determinant of how happy you are … It’s how you interpret the situations as they happen. 

Billy and Sarah both lost their jobs at a magazine publishing company. 

Billy took it badly, and while he sent out job applications to 30 companies, he took 3 months before he finally found a replacement job. His new job quickly became highly stressful and he is upset that bad things keep happening to him.

Sarah was upset at losing her job. She had a cry on her husband’s shoulder but woke up the next morning with a new lease on life. She decided that this was going to be an opportunity to make life even better than before. 

So she wrote up her new resume, and decided to get picky about the jobs she applied for. She applied for 7 jobs and got an interview with 2 of them. 

One of them turned out to be a job that paid higher than what she had previously been on, and was very excited as it involved learning a few things about magazine artwork that she had always wanted to get involved in before.

Sarah is an example of someone with an optimists mindset and Billy is an example of someone with a pessimists mindset. Situations like these happen regularly in people’s lives and optimists tend to navigate them a lot better. 

The key is to always look for the silver lining in any situation. Figure out what could make this challenge turn out to be a ‘blessing in disguise’ and make it into a positive. 

When good things happen in life, don’t forget to celebrate those little victories. Don’t brush them off as ‘insignificant’. 

If you can view your career as a ‘calling’ rather than a ‘means to an end’, you’ll feel more content and succeed more. 

If you can focus on the positives in life, and feel genuinely grateful for all the little things that you have, you’ll have a lot of great days going forwards.

3.   Enjoy the Journey as much as the Destination

Life is NOT a series of destinations … More time is spent on the journey, than on reaching any goal or dream. 

So it’s important to look to gain more satisfaction and pleasure from the work that goes into achieving that success, than the success itself.

In order to do that, you need to enjoy the process that leads to the outcomes you are looking for.

If you want to win a race, you need to find a way to enjoy the training. And to gain satisfaction from that training.

Otherwise too much is hinging on the results of that race and even if you win, that’s a lot of time spent training, where you could have been enjoying it. 

If you don’t win, then it’s important you can enjoy looking back at the journey and effort that went in … And say to yourself you did everything you could have done, and that you are happy with yourself for that. 

And that’s well worth celebrating. 

Happy people tend to realise the value of challenging themselves … Whether or not the success comes at the end is of less significance than how much effort was put in. 

If you put more effort in, and enjoy facing great challenges, then it’s inevitable you’ll achieve many great outcomes in life. 

And you’ll enjoy more of life in the process. 

STOP Struggling and Live Life on Your Terms- Starting TODAY (VIDEO) ⇦ [Link This Text via your affiliate link].

4.   Keep Up Your Social Relationships

“Countless studies have found that social relationships are the best guarantee of heightened well-being and lowered stress, both an antidote for depression and a prescription for high performance.” - Shawn Achor, Author, “The Happiness Advantage”

Harvard University conducted the most extensive study ever on adult development. They tracked the lives of 724 men from 1938, over 75 years.

One of their key findings was that good social relationships are the key factor that matters the most for long-lasting happiness. 

“The lesson that came from tens of thousands of pages of that research was that good relationships heek up happier and healthier,” says Dr Robert Waldinger, a psychiatrist and director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development. 

What’s more, dozens of other studies have been conducted over the years, that have also shown that people who have satisfying relationships are happier and live longer. 

So make sure to always make time to prioritize family and friendships. 

Be kind to others also, it’s not just about ‘spending time’ with them, though that is certainly a critical factor. 

Make sure to help out others who need it, both with your time, and/or your resources. 

“A long line of empirical research, including one study of over 2,000 people, has shown that acts of altruism—giving to friends and strangers alike—decrease stress and strongly contribute to enhanced mental health.” - Shawn Achor, Author, The Happiness Advantage.

5.   Improve Your Nutrition 

One of the 4 main ‘happiness hormones’ is Serotonin. And it is estimated that up to 90% of it is produced in the gut. 

That’s why what you eat and drink also plays an important role in your overall feelings of happiness in life. 

One small study of people with mild-to-moderate anxiety or depression found that taking probiotics for 6 weeks significantly improved their symptoms…

…While another study found that taking probiotics (galactooligosacharides) for 3 weeks, significantly reduces the amount of cortisol in the body (a stress hormone). 

One natural way to build up a healthy gut is to decrease sugar and processed food intake, while increasing intake of natural whole foods.

Fermented foods like Sauerkraut are excellent for your gut. 

Vegetables and fruit are also good for your gut and help produce more of those microbes that are responsible for Serotonin production. 

6.   Chaos Leads To Frustration … Create SYSTEMS That Lead To Success

“I value self discipline … But creating systems that make it next to impossible to misbehave is more reliable than self control.” - Tim Ferris, Author, The 4 Hour Work Week. 

Most people live their lives as though many of the situations that happen to them are erratic occurrences.

But really, it’s a series of logical and complete systems, some big, some small, that are playing out over and over again … 

… And you have the ability to create, edit and nurture these systems, so that you have the life that you want. 

Just merely having that realisation that your entire life can be redesigned to be whatever you want it to be, can give you a lasting feeling of additional happiness and clarity about your future. 

What you need to do is pay attention to things that you WANT and things that happen that you DON’T WANT. 

Then you need to break them down into the systems that need to be in place to cause (or prevent) them from happening. 

This applies to all areas of life: Home, work, health, relationships and goal achievement. 

Here’s an example…

John’s wife, Felicity, was feeling overwhelmed with all the housework she was doing at home. They have 3 kids and every day the mess kept piling up, and it was causing her stress.

John decided to make a system to help her.

He made a list of things that the kids had to do when they got home from school each day. 

If they completed all their ‘jobs’ then they get to have 1 hour of ‘free play’ time before dinner. 

If they didn’t do the ‘jobs’ then they not only missed out on the ‘free play’ time, but they got a bit of a lecture about ‘doing their part’ to help out in the family, and how valuable this is to their mom. 

Within 2 weeks, the kids were getting their clothes put in the wash, getting their lunchboxes out and cleaned, their homework was being done on autopilot, and they were cleaning up after themselves if they made any snacks…

...Felicity was elated! This little change in the system by which they lived their lives made a big improvement to their overall happiness. 

The kids noticed how their Mom was more peppy too, and they felt great at being more self-sufficient. 

It was a win-win all around.

This is an example of how a change in the system by which you live your life can make a big impact on your future. 

There are many examples, for instance automatically saving 3% of your income, can lead to more vacations… Or always making sure treats in the house are harder to get to than healthy snacks, can lead to healthier eating… etc, etc. 

The key is, look at the systems by which you live your life, and work to improve them. 

7.   Accept What Is … Chase Damn Hard For What ‘Could Be’

According to a study of 5,000 people, by the University of Hetfordshire, self acceptance is one of the most critical factors that affects our happiness … 

...But is often the one we practice the least.

Acceptance has two parts to it…

1.    Accepting what is, and what has happened to us.

2.    Accepting ourselves and who we are.

The thing is, the past has already happened to us. 

So it’s vitally important to cultivate that habit of accepting what has happened to us. Even if it’s unfair.

It’s important to look for any possible silver linings, to learn those lessons, and to form an exciting plan for the future. 

It’s also crucial that we love ourselves as we are, and don’t place limits on ‘I’ll love myself when…’

You are already great. You are already a wonderful human being. Don’t wait till you’ve got that pay rise, or you’ve got that perfect relationship, or you’ve lost that stubborn belly fat, before you love yourself …

… Those are goals you may have, but you’ve got to accept what is, love life as it is right now, love yourself as you are right now … AND chase damn hard for what could be. 

It’s time to get excited and happy about life as it is. 

Love the challenge, love the journey you are on, and focus on cultivating these 7 habits. 

They’ll lead to an overall feeling of more happiness in your life. 

Click Here To Learn How To Unlock Your Personal Magnetism ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

Three Ways Your Purpose Will Define You – And Lead You To Greater Success


Subject: Three Ways Your Purpose Will Define You – And Lead You To Greater Success

By Mark Williams

What's your purpose?

Would it roll of your tongue when someone asked you?

Incredibly, research shows that only around 17% of the population feel like they have a purpose...

Not surprisingly these folks are happier day to day...

...and tend to experience greater levels of success...

Success Mentor Mark Williams has created a short presentation where he teaches you how to fast track your success using the powerful elevated success sequence that quickly transforms you into a magnet for happiness, wealth, love and accomplishment >> Click Here To See it (Link Here)

Right now I`d like to walk you through the THREE quick ways your own purpose will define you...

The first way is to jump-start your own life whether you feel stuck, frustrated unhappy or all three...

How you may ask?

Through inspiration….

See, Inspiration is mother nature`s way of moving us…

… It allows us to hear, touch, smell, taste and FEEL like no other specie…

It gives us the feeling of being truly alive…

Inspiration has been given to us to use to achieve all our hopes and dreams…

And fill our lives with a special kind of happiness we ALL deserve yet so many find out of reach….

Inspiration is step one... Step two is using it to set and reach goals...

Your job is to find it... And it is different for everyone...

It could be helping others....

It could be your career achievement...

It could be your family...

It could be Dollar signs...

Whatever it is... grab a piece of paper and a pen and write down what inspires you...

What makes you feel that butterfly tingle in your gut when you are excited about something...

The second way your purpose will define you is to enrich the lives of others...

(When you make the lives of people around you it sets off a chemical reaction in your brain)

New research in biology and neuroscience indicate that the very act of giving or helping others struggling and in need boosts your own happiness, health, and sense of well-being…

In fact, a 2016 study published in Psychosomatic Medicine: concluded 3 incredible benefits to specific parts of the brain… this lead to less stress…

More positive relationships…

Improved intelligence…

And increased resiliency to bounce back from negative events and feelings….

That is why volunteer agencies never have trouble finding people to help out...

When I was 20 I spent a summer working at a homeless shelter as part of a college community program...

At the time I felt there were more exciting things I could be doing during the summer.... But I am so thankful for this experience that has helped shape who I am today...

The third way to define your purpose is job satisfaction....

Does more money equal more happiness?

I think it depends on who you are and what drives you...

A friend of mine Chris had a high level job for global company Price Waterhouse Coopers.

He was paid a terrific 6 figure salary... flown around the world... by 34 from the outside he was living what many would consider the dream...

Yet Chris was unhappy... He took no satisfaction from his work or his life...

Realizing that he needed to do something different to rediscover his purpose and joy....

Chris abruptly quit his job, gave up his apartment and began an 11 month journey travelling through Central and South America...

He then invested the last of his savings in a backpacking hostel in Central Mexico...

These days financially he just gets by... He told me recently he wouldn't give it up for the world...

And that he is happier than ever before.

It doesn't matter what your purpose is... As long as it makes you wake up filled with that special pleasurable tingle... That makes each day exciting!

Fin your purpose and live it!

Now, this is just the start, Once you define your purpose you are ready for a new adventure.

And adventure to become your best self… To experience the greatest success possible…

And here is a unique and effective way to do that…

Because Mark Williams has discovered a secret so powerful that once you put this in place in your life, you will become like a personal magnet anything you desire…

A secret you can switch on inside you and finally experience what it's like to create a richer life, a satisfying career, stronger relationships both business and personal… so you reach the summit of success faster than you thought possible.

…This secret will change your life for the better, and Mark invites you to watch a short fast paced presentation on the next page which explains everything…

Follow the link here to fast track your success (Link Here)

Remember when you are your authentic self and are true to who you are.

People will respect you, and if they don’t they are not worth your time and don’t deserve to be in your life.


Are You Respected As Much As You Should Be?


Subject: Are you respected as much as you should be?

By Mark Williams Presence Power and Profit

“Make improvements, not excuses. Seek respect, not attention.” ― Roy T. Bennett

Are you respected as much as you should be?

A client of mine Steven was an accountant at a mid-sized firm in Chicago, and he was sick of being ignored and disrespected at work. No one listened to any of his ideas. Most of what he said was brushed aside…

And to make matters worse, he couldn't say “no” to unreasonable requests from his boss or colleagues...

Steven knew they were taking advantage of him, but felt powerless to stop it...

He just wanted people to like and respect him!

Let me ask you something

Where do you rank on the respect meter?

Do you know there is a proven direct link between your respect factor and how successful you are, not only in business relationships but family and social relationships?

Where you rank on the RESPECT METER has a MAJOR IMPACT on what you achieve in life…

You have no doubt heard the expression that “respect is earned not given” tossed around regularly. And you can take what you want from those words. For me, I think respect is something that should be given to anybody right of the bat.

RESPECT is something that we all want and deserve from others. For example, when I first meet a person they instantly have my respect unless they abuse it. We should all start on an even keel so to speak.

Unfortunately, that is not how our world works. Everyone has their own agendas, preconceived ideas and a completely different conclusion of what respect is, and what it really means.

I want you to think of someone you highly respect. It could be a family member, your partner or a mentor.

Now ask yourself what do they do to cultivate natural respect from you and no doubt countless others?

Well, I can almost guarantee that they possess the following THREE powerful RESPECT METER BOOSTERS that will completely change the way people view you. Secrets that will raise your RESPECT factor with everyone you meet.

Listen if you are sick and tired of being ignored, disrespected, not taken seriously and frankly walked on like a doormat by others then it is imperative that you READ this article to the end because I will show you these three powerful RESPECT principles.

And these principles are the KEY to success in with EVERYONE you meet.

Yet these simple principles are seldom mentioned, and as subtle as they are there power is immense and their effect long-lasting.

And the great news is anyone can apply them quickly and efficiently to skyrocket not only the respect you receive from others but the respect you give yourself.

These same principles were responsible for Stevens Incredible transformation.

Steven became more respected and liked than he ever was before…

He was invited out more often by his colleagues. His superiors were finally listening to his ideas. However, the best part WAS THE INCREDIBLE RESPONSE HE RECEIVED FROM HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY…

So what are these RESPECT principles?

Well, right here I am going to give you the first three principles.

Simple secret one to gain the respect and admiration of others is BE AUTHENTIC.

Now I know that may sound a little obvious, yet it is of the utmost importance and something many people forget. People aren't stupid.

We all pick up a vibe when we are around someone who comes across as fake or unnatural, and I'm sure you'll agree it's not a good impression to make on people. When you try to be someone you're not, it’s unlikely to make you a more likable person but rather It will create the opposite effect.

I remember Steven asked me “But what if I don’t like who I am.”

Many of us feel this way sometimes, and it is understandable.

What it’s all about is committing to make simple changes that will boost your respect factor while still staying true to your values and who you are.

People respect realness. And the best way to be more authentic and real is with a few simple character shifts that build on who you are as a person right now. In essence, we don't want to knock down the house and rebuild it from the ground up. We want to improve the one we already have.

As Lao Tsu said “When you are content to be yourself and don’t compare or compete, people will respect you”

Simple secret number two - Don’t be a doormat.

In an unconscious attempt to be more respected and likable often many of us can be sucked into the trap of trying to please everyone all of the time.

Saying ‘yes’ or being agreeable all the time means you run the risk of being taken advantage of, or treated like a doormat.

Sure there are always going to be people out there who willingly partake in your generosity and as a result, overstay their welcome in your life.

Although you must learn to be friendly under any circumstances, you should also learn how to identify manipulative behavior and say ‘no’ when it is necessary.

I remember Steven telling me that he feared the reaction if he said “NO” especially to his boss or a family member. He believed they would be angry or upset with him. I understand that this can seem tricky.

The real key is in knowing how to draw the line between these moments. The goal here is not to be rude or to say ‘no’ for the sake of it. It’s to protect yourself against people who see your likeability and assume it means you’re a pushover. Give them the honest reason you are saying ‘no’ and most people will understand, and in turn, this will dramatically boost your respect factor with them.

And this directly goes hand in hand with RESPECT PRINCIPLE THREE -

Stand up for what you believe in.

It’s all about being assertive, not aggressive. Many people when trying to take the lead and be assertive can come off as aggressive which is something you want to AVOID.

If you believe in something, if it is important to you, stick to it. Clearly, state the reasons why it is important to you. People will respect this even if they have a difference of opinion.

Can you see how these simple to apply RESPECT principles can make a difference in your life right away?

Here they are again to recep:

1. Be Authentic

2. Don’t be a doormat

3. Stand up for what you believe in

I hope this helps.

Now, this is just the tip of the iceberg if you want to people to respect you… 

Because Mark Williams has discovered a secret so powerful that once you put this in place in your life, you will become like a personal magnet.

A secret you can switch on inside you and finally experience what it's like to create greater wealth, enjoy stronger business and personal relationships and reach the summit of success faster than you think possible.

…This secret will change your life for the better, and Mark invites you to watch a short presentation on the next page which explains everything…

Follow the link here to fast track your success (Link Here)

Remember when you are your authentic self and are true to who you are. People will respect you, and if they don’t they are not worth your time and don’t deserve to be in your life.

All the best

Your Name

How To Influence People While Being More Likeable


Subject: How to influence people while being more likeable

By Mark Williams
Author of Presence Power and Profit

“I hold that a strongly marked personality can influence descendants for generations.” ― Beatrix Potter

Recently I was having a conversation with an old school friend of mine Drew. He was complaining about a guy at his office whom he described as the biggest ass kisser of all time…

However, it must have worked because he was always getting new opportunities like promotions and raises…

“This guy must be elite”. I said

“I will never sink to his level man. There must be another way” Replied Drew as we had a good chuckle about it.

Looking back I have known some Class A Butt kissers in my time…

And it got me thinking…

See, one question I am often asked in my line of work is how to be more likable and influence others to your way of thinking at the same time.

And do it of course without brown-nosing or coming across as a suck-up.

Now I am sure you can think of someone who fits this mold to try and get what they want.

I am sure you will agree that it seldom helps how likable they are to others.

More often than not it has the opposite effect.

So what can you do to get what you want while still being well liked?

Well let me ask you this.

Do you struggle to get people to listen to you?

Alternatively, maybe you find all the effort you put in delivers you little reward?

Perhaps you feel ignored?

Or, possibly you feel like you are not progressing in your career as fast as would like?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is a big problem that must be resolved.

Don’t ignore this…

Because recent studies have shown that the ability to influence others is the critical difference between your success and failure in everything you do…

Imagine how incredible you’ll feel when people not only listen to you but ACT on your suggestions. When YOUR OPINION MATTERS.

When you make a lasting impact on everyone, you meet…

Imagine what it will feel like when you get the promotions, raises, and accolades without having to ask…

When EVERYTHING you desire drifts effortlessly into your life without you having to work hard for it.

It is ALL possible but to ensure your success here is what I want you to do:

First, READ THIS ARTICLE to the end

Second, share it with anyone you think could benefit from it.

In a recent report I wrote, I divided the keys to influencing others into Eight sections I call the Eight steps to ultimate influence.

Techniques that show you how to get what you want the right way.

Methods that can be used to improve your influence factor with other people dramatically.

With this in mind, I would like to share the first powerful technique with you to start you on your way to being a likable influencer…

And the first principle is to be actively engaging with Mind, Body, and Voice

You'll notice all of the great leaders in the world have a knack for influencing others and getting people to follow them.

That is how all elections are won.

You better be more likable and influential than the other person.

This also applies to everyday situations.

For example: At the office more often than not the person who is carry’s more influence and is also more likable gets the promotion.

Influence also applies when choosing a partner or for that matter the reverse.

Most people will want to pursue a partner who is likable, influential and convincing.

It is a lot simpler than you may think…

You have probably heard the phrase, “It's not what you say, and it’s how you say it.”

And this is very true when it comes to influencing others.

In fact, the words you say account for less than 10% of what you actually communicate with other people.

Take presidential candidates for example – they all say the same things. They all promise to reform the health system, cut taxes etc.

But the winner is always the most influential person. The same goes in your life.

It’s the whole package that captures their complete attention. Not what you say, but how you say it. Your tone of voice, inflection, interest level, your presence, and how you hold your body and deliver those words - it’s all part of the conversation.

Walk up to someone and say, “What incredible eyes you have” with your head down, shoulders slumped and a hitch in your step, and they’ll probably nod uncomfortably and walk away.

However, if you say the same thing with a straight posture, a smile on your face and a confident tone in your voice, they’ll thank you and engage you in a conversation...

Think about it like this: how many times have you spoken to someone who looks nervous or distracted with poor body language and tends to mumble with their head down?

Would you want to continue chatting with them or listen to what they are saying?

Probably not right?

On the other hand, what if they walked up to you, started a conversation, made you laugh and put you at ease? What if they smiled patted you on the back and invited over two friends that would LOVE to meet someone like you?

You’d probably loosen up? You’d feel comfortable.

You wouldn’t feel like someone who stepped off a train into a foreign country where you don’t speak the language.

They project a positive vibe with their body language a mindset that says “I’m cool, so you can relax and listen to what I have to say.”

When you make this simple adjustment when you connect with people, you will find they are more attentive to what you are saying.

And in turn, they will be far more likely to listen to your ideas, take your advice and trust you with making decisions.

Try being more attentive to these elements, be convincing with what you say and I am sure you’ll notice the way people react to you positively almost instantly…

Another great way to become influence people is to develop a greater presence…

I invite you to Take a look at this free presentation (Link Here) Mark has put together for you that shows you how to develop a this magnetic presnece to not only become more influenctial and likeable but also acquire the secrets of success and achieve everything you have always desired…

Anyway, that’s all from me for now…

I’ll be in touch soon…

I hope you have a fantastic day and remember… 

Remember: You are the driver of your own life, don’t let anyone steal your seat!

Your friend,

Your Name

Do these THREE things For Greater Motivation And Focus


Subject: Do these THREE things for greater motivation and focus

By Mark Williams

Author of Presence Power and Profit

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar

How to stay motivated and focused all day, every day

Like many of you staying motivated was something I struggled with growing up. I used to breeze through life thinking everything will turn out fine. Now, this did work for me up to a point. I remember loving the adrenalin rush after a late night mad scramble to complete a project for college. Yet this feeling didn’t last as new projects piled up one after another.

I did manage to scrape through college and land my first job. And this is when everything changed.

It was at that moment that I realized my cramming method was useless in the real world. I had real-life clients to keep happy and a boss that wanted everything done yesterday.

Just months into my first job as a sales representative I was fired for just not getting things done. Still focused on leaving everything to the last minute I would do a rush job, and my results reflected this.

Not long after the humiliation of being fired I uncovered a secret that changed the way I motivated myself for life. A little known method I call the incentive sequence that has been responsible for my business taking off and the stress-free happy life I live today and I would like to share it with you.

First I have to ask you something.

Do you find it difficult to motivate yourself to get things done?

If you answered yes then I have to be honest with you.

You've got more than a few problems: In fact, you will probably find that your life is very stressful. That the quality of your work suffers because it is always a last minute rush job. And most importantly you can never really enjoy your free time because your mind is always spinning with stuff you have to get done and a never-ending to-do list.

I am sure you realize that the bigger and more complicated tasks become, the less effective the cramming method becomes. There is no need for it to be this way. You can’t afford to ignore something that is so important in achieving the success you desire.

Imagine waking up every morning full of energy (That’s right, constant worry and stress sucks your energy like a supercharged vacuum)

Imagine how incredible it will feel when you are motivated to get to work. Excited to achieve the daily tasks you’ve set for yourself.

Wouldn’t that feel amazing? Now I know that most people think that changing habits requires hard work and that it is not something that will transform overnight.

But that is because they don’t know about the “incentive sequence.”

When you apply it, you will find you will become focused, driven and determined and success will follow you wherever you go. This is the simple formula that ALL successful people naturally apply in their daily lives almost subconsciously, and you can do the same

Let me break it down for you.

The incentive sequence formula is divided into three parts

First, you need to set small and achievable goals. Often, we tend to put a ton of pressure on ourselves with unrealistic goals, and then we feel terrible when we fail to achieve them. Small goals that are achievable help keep you motivated. These could be daily, weekly or even monthly goals.

Remember it is ALL about the journey. If we focus on the Journey, then the desired results will come to us.

Reward yourself when you hit your goals. What the reward is will depend from person to person. Rewards are a huge part of achieving goals and success.

As you may be aware, the sales industry thrives on this, offering financial rewards for staff that hit their targets. It’s about keeping them motivated long-term.

And this is not just reserved for work stuff this applies to every area of your life… The third part which ties everything together is visualization.

What do you mean by visualization?

This is where you imagine what it will feel like once you have achieved these goals and earned the reward to go with it. If you have never done this before it can feel a little weird or unnatural but trust me visualizing the result we desire dramatically boosts our inner motivation.

For example, people who go to the gym and want to succeed in losing weight constantly visualize how their body will look when they have reached their goals. This motivates them to continue moving forward.

The benefits don’t stop there. Once you can keep your motivation high, the effect will rub off on people around you, and in turn, motivate them. Personal trainers are an ideal example here. Their motivation rubs off on the people they train. That is their sole job - to motivate their clients.

So there you have the three parts that make up the incentive sequence

Here they are again:

#1: Have small, achievable goals

#2: Reward yourself

#3. Visualize your success

Best wishes

Your Name P.S Getting the best out of yourself and your day can be challenging, so if you’re looking for ways to increase overall success in your life, make sure that you check out this video presentation Mark created for you.

In it he teaches you how to develop a powerful magnetic presence that will significantly increase your ability achieve all your goals, and become more influential, likeable and successful on the way. Watch the free presentation here (Link Here)

Are You Heading For An Early Grave?


Subject: 5 Super Tips for instant stress relief
Subject: Are you heading for an early grave?

By Mark Williams

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” ― Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Are you heading for an early grave? Here is what the research says.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but in today’s world, our stress levels have surged off the charts. Mainly due to our busy lifestyles, high-pressure work environment, poor sleeping patterns, poor eating habits, and in many cases, financial insecurity.

We now live in a world where two out of three people are bogged down and plagued by moderate to high levels of stress daily.

Let me ask you something

Is stress bogging you down?

Are you one of the millions of people heading towards and an early grave?

I don’t mean to scare you, but the facts are in, and the research shows some dire and downright scary results…

Stress could be doing some severe damage to your health.

If you find it tough to manage your stress and anxiety levels, it could be crippling you…

It doesn’t have to be this way. There is a simple solution to make sure you READ EVERY WORD OF this article because you will discover FIVE super simple ways to lower and eliminate stress from your life so you wake up each day knowing you are capable of anything.

You simply can’t afford NOT to get this area of your life sorted right now. Don’t just blow this off.

Imagine how free you will feel when all the stress and anxiety bottled up inside you melt away like an iceberg in the sun…

When you are finally free to concentrate on what really matters

And that’s enjoying life…

So what is stress doing to you?

Stress is a common phenomenon for each of us. According to recent research findings, it leads to adverse health effects in fifty-three percent of all adults. In fact, some researchers are now referring to stress as the new normal because it has become so prevalent.

Stress has been linked to different types of physical disorders. Researchers have found a connection of stress with six of the leading causes of death. Those are:


>Heart disease

>Lung ailments,

>Cirrhosis of the liver,



Stress also weakens the immune system and your ability to fight off those nasty colds, and flu’s in winter. I am sure you can agree that this is some serious stuff…

My own mother passed away from cancer, and her doctors believed her constant anxiety and stress triggered it. She was otherwise fit, healthy, and ate the right foods yet at just 57 her life was taken away in the blink of an eye.

Yet, Stress is not just a physical thing. It is also an emotional thing.

In its advanced form, stress can quickly transform into distress. Distress that disturbs the internal balance of your body and results in tension, anxiety, anger, or depression.

It can lead to severe effects on the mental health of a person and can lead to constant negative thoughts racing through our minds.

Stress also attacks your body is through your cognitive functions. Scientists have proven studies that show stress often leads to a significant decline in the cognitive faculties in human beings.

In essence, we lose the capacity to reason. We forget things.

Our thoughts become disorganized, and we struggle to be creative because stress has taken hold of our emotions, feelings, and thoughts.

New research shows that over 70% of the arguments we have with our family members and loved ones are the direct result of STRESS.

BUT it’s not all bad news because there is a simple, effective way to lower and in some cases eliminate the stress from your life.

So what exactly can you do to reduce your stress levels and become healthier and happier?

Well, right now, I would like to share with you FIVE simple things anyone can do that will reduce your stress levels and bring balance to your inner core.

Stress management and elimination techniques

Positive thinking

In his book, the power of your subconscious mind, Joseph Murray talks extensively about what we feed into our subconscious mind will, in turn, become a reality.

“You have a mind, and you should learn how to use it. There are two levels of your mind—the conscious or rational level, and the subconscious or irrational level. You think with your conscious mind, and whatever you habitually think sinks down into your subconscious mind, which creates according to the nature of your thoughts.

Your subconscious mind is the seat of your emotions and is the creative mind. If you think good, good will follow; if you think evil, evil will follow. This is the way your mind works.

The main point to remember is that once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. It is an interesting and subtle truth that the law of the subconscious mind works for good and bad ideas alike.

This law, when applied negatively, is the cause of failure, frustration, and unhappiness. However, when your habitual thinking is harmonious and constructive, you experience perfect health, success, and prosperity.”

So in this instance, we are talking about stress. If you are worried and stressed all the time, it will become a natural thought accepted by your subconscious mind and will damage everything in your life from health to success to happiness.

Your mind is an extraordinarily, powerful tool that can be manipulated by your thoughts. So Think positive, and you will reap what you sow


The second way to relieve constant stress and worry is through meditation

I find that meditation and relaxation techniques have helped control my stress levels and my moods. Now, I know there are a few people who are skeptical when it comes to meditation, and a few years ago I was one of them.

For years, I would dismiss the idea that these techniques would have any effect on my life. It wasn't until I was forced to attend a meditation and relaxation boot camp with my colleagues at a previous job that I really began to see the value.

Almost instantly, I found my stress levels melt away, and my mind and thought patterns became much clearer. It was an eye-opening experience and has now become a part of my daily routine, and I continue to see fantastic benefits. I have increased energy, I am more relaxed, and I am happier.

Of course, there are many different types of meditation practiced by millions of cultures around the world.

From Buddhist meditation to Mantra meditation to Yoga meditations, there are many to choose from and which one you want is up to you. Do some research and find which type fits you and your lifestyle.


Biofeedback by definition is a technique that trains people to improve their health by controlling specific bodily processes that usually happen involuntarily, such as heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and skin temperature.

I have never tried this myself but people whom I’ve met who have tried it rave about it. So you should check it out and see if it for you.

Autogenic Training

This stress management technique uses passive concentration and awareness of the body sensations for relaxation. Doctors use Autogenic training as a part of therapy for many ailments.

In this technique, one focuses upon different sensations in different organs of the body through repetition of the autogenic "formulas". Those sensations include warmth, heaviness and more.

It does not require any particular physical exercise or skills. It only requires some amount of time and patience. This stress management technique is widely popular in Europe. It is gaining ground in the USA also.

Deep Breathing

The final effective stress management technique is Deep breathing. Simple yet extremely useful it is the core component of many stress management techniques, which are more involved in nature. Techniques such as relaxation imagery, meditation, and Progressive Muscular Relaxation all involve deep breathing. And it is something you can do no matter how busy your schedule.

Did you know that another great way to reduce stress in your life is to be more likable and respected?

In fact, research shows that people who are well-liked and form strong bonds with their peers are more likely to have better health, more success and live happier lives…

Mark Williams has created a short presentation video just for you that shows you how to use a simple 3 step method to easily and quickly develop a powerful inner presence people can’t resist.

Once you develop this magnetic presence Success, Prosperity and happiness will flood into your life more quickly

This exact method has made a positive impact on hundreds of people already and they have the power to do the same for you.

You can watch it here:

Best wishes

Your Name

How To Achieve The Extraordinary - 7 Keys To Living A Successful, Purpose-Driven Life


By: Mark Williams
Author of Presence, Power and Profit >=[Link this text via your affiliate link]

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” - Winston S. Churchill

Jeff was the coolest kid at my high school. He was popular with everyone, whether it was the geek crowd, the rebellious goths or the sporty jocks.

He was a good athlete, did well in academics and even had time to be part of the drama club.

Jeff never tried to impress anyone - he was naturally gifted and did things effortlessly.

Or so I thought…

You see, Jeff went to a different school during his elementary years before he moved to our town.

According to him, he was a complete mess back then.

“I was bad at sports, got picked on because I was shy and my grades were a disaster,” Jeff shared with us one time while we were working on a group science project.

The people listening (including me) couldn't believe it. How could someone so talented at a lot of things be anything less than perfect?

“Yeah, people used to tell me I had a lot of talent and potential… it sucked because I wasn't really using any of it,” he continued.

Jeff's dad is a college basketball coach, and over a couple of summers he walked him through a bunch of drills and exercises until he got better at the game. He said, “My dad wouldn't tell me how talented I was like other people did. He would point out when I was making progress, though. I think that really helped me get into it, knowing that I was improving.”

The myth of talent

A lot of people resent those who they see as talented. They think that just because someone is naturally good at something, that's ALL it takes.

Like in Jeff's case, none of us really think of the blood, sweat and tears involved.

Why bother with what goes behind the scenes when you can just look at the end result and brush it off as purely a matter of “talent”?

That's why I want to talk about what you REALLY need to be awesome at anything you do.

Sure, being naturally gifted can give anyone a boost, but that's not enough to take you all the way to the top.

You need Personal Magnetism….

Click here to discover how to unlock your Personal Magnetism for Limitless Success >= [Link This Text via your affiliate link].

Here are The 7 Most Important Qualities To Being Successful:

#1: Embrace challenges

There is a big difference between the statements “I can't do it” and “I can't do it yet.”

The latter type of thinking is a far more powerful way to see the world. It's called adopting a GROWTH Mindset.

People who have this believe that they can grow and improve even if they hit the occasional roadblock to success.

This is also the mark of successful people. Accepting that setbacks are part of the process means you're willing to power through them.

To do that, take a step back and learn from your mistakes after you mess up.

No one ever got it right the first time, and for good reason.

Screwing up helps you focus and rethink your approach, then try again. This is a challenge that successful people take pleasure in.

#2: Focus on growth, not proving yourself

The problem with those who don't have the Growth Mindset is that they're more interested in enforcing ahigh opinionof themselves and their raw talent.

This usually comes from a place of pride and fear.

To them, some people just have “it”, and others don't.

So, they think they'll always have an edge over those who aren't born with “it”.

But that's a false belief - people can always learn new things and get better at it.

You'll notice that these people tend to avoid challenges beyond their skill set. They'd rather not risk shattering the illusion of their effortless talent.

When they let this kind of thinking holdthem back, they fail to grow into someone better.

Success has a lot to do with setting your ego aside.

Don't think you're so talented that you don't need to work hard or make mistakes like everyone else.

Remember, your skills can AND will evolve over time.But you need to put yourself through the learning process first.

Aside from learning from your mistakes, you should also be willing to learn from others and share the knowledge you have.

Create an atmosphere where you can have a back and forth exchange of insights and ideas with others in your field.

Only then will you really be able to expand your mind and hone your craft.

#3: Put effort above talent

With everything we've talked about so far, you'd think I'm knocking on talented people.

Not at all.

Jeff was crazy talented, but as I found out, he also had to put in the work.

Otherwise, people would have kept telling him about his potential while he did nothing about it.

When you consider the big picture, EFFORT spells the difference between those who have amazing potential…

…and those who actually make use of it.

Angela Duckworth, the author of “Grit” , says that talent only accelerates the learning process.

To build and improve your skills, you need a good dose of grit in your life.

According to Duckworth, this is a combination of persisting with your goals AND being passionate about them.

This means working through those disappointing failures and staying on course even when you feel like dirt.

And it all boils down to the amount of effort you CHOOSE to put in - especially during times like these.

All the potential in the world won't mean much if you don't make a commitment to yourself to cultivate and refine the gifts you've been given.

To experience this for yourself I highly recommend that you follow this link…

Click here to discover Presence Power and Profit >= [Link This Text via your affiliate link].

#4: Develop your purpose

Another quality of grit that Duckworth stresses is having a mission that's important to youand sticking to it.

If you want to stick to your goals and keep growing, you need a sense of purpose - and the passion to fuel it.

It's common to feel enthusiastic about a project or goal in the beginning. But like any other emotion, it comes and goes.

What's not so common is KEEPING AT IT even after those feelings of excitement have faded.

Think of your sticking to your end goal as being in a relationship with someone.

After you've gotten past the honeymoon phase, are you still willing to stick it out?

Do you make the conscious decision to stay the course in spite of the disillusionment?

When you wake up in the morning, do you think of ways - big and small - to enrich your relationship and make it thrive?

Are you so in love with your goals that you're downright obsessed?

If you base your actions on your loyalty to your goals, then you're on the right track.

If not, try to remember why you have those goals in the first place.

What made you fall in love with them, and why do care so much?

Once you've reacquainted yourself with your core reasons, you'll be focused and stay true to your mission.

#5: Put value in the “little” things

There's a study that came out in the late 80s called “The Mundanity of Excellence” which documented the performance of Olympic Swimmers.

The author observed how one of the athletes was able to go from minor leagues all the way to Olympic-level competitions in just three years.

He showed that through a number of measurable factors, the concept of excellence could be actually be quantified.

And he points out that these factors that make up an extraordinary performance are, well, pretty ordinary.

The truth is that there's really nothing amazing about the habits needed to be awesome at something. Take the following for instance:
- Waking up early in the morningto get a good start
- Taking an invigorating shower to wake your senses
- Meditating and/or reading something motivational or inspirational
- Having a healthy and filling breakfast to fuel your day
- Showing up for work or training
- Practicing through drills, exercises and other repetitive motions, both physical and mental
- Researching topics related to your field and exchanging ideas with your peers
- And so on…

So you can see that each of those “little” things isn't exactly exciting. But all of them play an important part in your grand plan nonetheless.

When you have an overall result in mind, like making a million dollars in a year or being a world-class athlete, it's the smaller sub-goals that will make it happen.

If you care enough about being excellent, you should create a solid framework of smaller objectives to support your vision.

Otherwise, you'll be lost and aimless, wondering why you haven't done something amazing with your life.

To make things happen, you need to make a structured plan first.

Once you've got your priorities sorted out, success will be the sum of those smaller goals you put together.

You deserve the power to attract success easily and naturally in any area of your life:

So I recommend you check out this short video which explains everything.

Follow the link
Scientists Call This The ONE MOST IMPORTANT Quality for Success (VIDEO) >= [Link This Text via your affiliate link].

#6:Practice, practice, practice

Successful people focus on the parts of their game that need work.

If a basketball player isn't doing too well with rebounds or shooting accurately, then they'll have to do those drills to rectify that.

When you hit a particular wall in your performance or career, make a game out of getting around it. Focus your energy on that specific wall.

Again, the key to success is pretty boring.

Most of the time, it's simply prioritizing certain areas, then letting other people tell you where you did it wrong.

Like I said before, getting other people's insights is crucial, and in this case it'll help you overcome your weaknesses.

Then all that's left to do is keep practicing the same thing until you've completely ironed out the kinks.

Pretty soon, you won't be even thinking about that problem you were having before. Getting it right becomes second nature.

Going through the grind of mastering something isn't cool or glamorous. But it's the complete opposite when you finally get your act together.

#7: Find winners and hang out with them

Here's an important thing about excellence that people often miss: it's contagious.

You know what they say about birds of the same feather, right?

If you surround yourself with negative, miserable folks who put successful people down just to feel better about themselves…

… what kind of effect would it have on YOUR thinking?

Would it help you make things happen, or make it a hundred times harder?

The kind of attitude and perspective you have will either lift up your dreams - or poison them.

That's why you need to be part of a winning, supportive culture that celebrates excellence, not despise it.

A group of people will always have a common set of values and principles. If you're part of that circle, it will rub off you no matter what.

So if you tend to be around people that scoff at personal growth, don't try to change how they think.

You can be that person who was brave enough to stick out like a sore thumb, but not in condescending or “Hey look at me now” kind of way.

The result of your hard work will speak for itself.

There's no need to rub it in anyone's face. Who knows, you might just make a believer out of the Negative Nancy's in your life.

Heck, you could even tell them how you pulled it off when they ask you.

Wouldn't that be great, to be the one that lifts them up?

But that's the thing about life - when you send a certain message to the world, expect to get a certain kind of response.

Discover the messages you need to be sending to experience unlimited success

Follow this link
Presence, Power and Profit >= [Link This Text via your affiliate link].

How to create more opportunities in your life

What if there was a way to consciously send the RIGHT message to the world?

What if you could be at the perfect “frequency” so people will pick up on your signal and respond in a hugely positive way?

Imagine your boss wanting to give you a promotion - and a fat raise to go along with it…

…or a prospective investor willing to fund your million-dollar idea…

…or even your future romantic partner begging to take you out on a date.

To do all that and MORE, all it takes is to reprogram your signal so everyone gets your message loud and clear.

After that, they'll WANT to give you all those incredible opportunities left and right like crazy!

It all boils down to a single trait that people knew next to nothing about - until now.

A study at the Carnegie Institute of Technology discovered that this quality accounted for 85% of a person's financial success.

And no, it has nothing to do with talent or technical skill…

Follow this link to discover the NUMBER 1 quality to become a magnet for wealth, love, happiness and success...

Scientists Call This The ONE MOST IMPORTANT Quality for Success (VIDEO) >= [Link This Text via your affiliate link].
How to Unlock “The Power of Yet” In Your Life


How to Unlock “The Power of Yet” In Your Life
By: Mark Williams
Author of Presence, Power and Profit >= [Link this text via your affiliate link]

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” _ Anaïs Nin

Michael, a high school student in our neighborhood, used to babysit for the family next door.

In the afternoon, I'd always see him bringing his books with him when he came over to watch their kids.

One time I had a chance to talk to him when I took out the trash at night and he had just finished babysitting.

I asked him how he managed to squeeze in studying and his part-time job at the same time.

I pointed out most kids I knew didn't have to work at all and seemed to study less than he did.

He said, “Yeah, it's kind of tough having to earn money and hit the books at the same time…but I actually kind of enjoy it. Is that weird?”

That moment gave me a chuckle but didn't think much of it years after.

I learned through other folks later on that Michael made his way through college and graduated at the top of his class.

He came from the rougher part of town and his family didn't earn a lot, so I remember feeling really proud of him when I heard the news.

Strength in Growth

Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, made a profound discovery that shaped her future work…

In one school, students who didn't pass the required number of courses were given a grade of not yet instead of a failing mark.

This idea intrigued Carol because it meant students who got that grade weren't failures.

They simply hadn't completed the learning process YET, and only had to keep at it until they did.

In her talk, Carol discussed a series of studies they did on children at school to observe how they reacted to difficult problems.

For instance, she gave a group of 10-year-olds a series of questions that were slightly too hard for them.

The reactions among them were divided.

According to Carol, about half of the students “acted in a surprisingly positive way.”

They LOVED the challenge because they knew their abilities could be developed as they learned to tackle the questions.

They had what Carol referred to as a “Growth Mindset”.

As for the other students, they treated the test as a tragic catastrophe.

They simply weren't equipped with to deal with the challenges given to them because they had what was known as a “Fixed Mindset”.

The study found that they were likely to either cheat next time, or find someone who did worse to feel better about themselves.

I have to admit that I used to act and think like the latter half of those students.

There was a time in my life when I crumbled under pressure instead of embracing the challenge and the growth it could offer me.

But I know better now.

If you want to embrace life and grow with it then I highly suggest you check out this short video.

Just follow this link:
Scientists Call This The ONE MOST IMPORTANT Quality for Success (VIDEO)>= [Link this text via your affiliate link]

The Power of Yet vs. The Tyranny of Now

When I started on my Manifestation Journey, I realized that difficulties in life were meant to shape me into a better person.

I shifted my focus on the long-term process of GROWING and learning…

…instead of being stuck with the emotions I felt at a given moment.

Carol describes these contrasting concepts as “Luxuriating in the Power of Yet” and being gripped in “The Tyranny of Now”.

Michael is one such example of a person going into a challenge headfirst instead of shirking away from it. He definitely has the Growth Mindset as we all should.

As for myself, I've been trying to do the same. I've accepted growth and learning is a never-ending process, even as I celebrate the milestones along the way.

How do you Unlock The Power of Yet?

Maybe you're struggling on some level to escape the grip of The Now so you can break into a Growth Mindset.

It's ok, that's part of your evolution.

What matters is that your desire and commitment to move in this direction.

Now, the process of maturing into a wiser, more resilient individual is a whole other topic in itself.

You deserve the power to attract limitless success easily and naturally to ANY area of your life.

So I recommend you check out the link below.

Follow the link
Discover the psychological secret to magnetically attract success into EVERY area of your life >= [Link this text via your affiliate link]

For now though, here are the core basics to give you a general idea:

#1: Set your sights on new projects, goals and endeavors.

People who practice the idea of “Not Yet” don't stop at accomplishing just one thing.

They're either building on what they've just done…

…or set out in new, exciting directions and learn new things in the process.

In other words, they never fall into a sense of complacence.

They're always hungry for the next goal to work on.

#2: Welcome criticism

Some of it is flattering, butmost of it will be painful to hear.

People's opinions are their own, and a negative one does not equate to failure.

Filter out the deliberately hateful criticism and accept the valid, constructive kind.

Your ego may sting a bit, but push past those feelings and LEARN from your mentors and colleagues.

There's growth in pain, after all.

#3: Forget talent, EFFORT is where it's at

Carol's research has shown that praising talent and intelligence DOESN'T help people in the long run.

Those who are used to being complimented on being smart tend to REFUSE challenges outside of their comfort zone.

If something truly challenged their abilities, they would rather avoid it than test their limits.

And if you shut the door on opportunities like these, there's little room for growth and improvement.

So drop the thinking that talent is the end-all, be-all when it comes to success.

Natural talent can only get you so far - those who have it are not automatically destined for greatness.

There are far more important factors at play, such as effort, strategy and progress.

Anyone can DEVELOP these characteristics - it's just a matter of choosing to take this path to growth.

Here is a video that explains how you can unlock your own talents through Personal Magnetism…

Check out Presence, Power and Profit here >= [Link this text via your affiliate link]

#4: Perfection is the enemy

It's good to aim for success, but it can be dangerous to ignore the lessons of failure.

Even as you strive for excellence, you should still appreciate the learning experience that comes from your mistakes.

Whether you win or lose, always take a step back and ask yourself the following:

“How can I do better next time?”

“What worked and what didn't?”

“What did I learn from the process?”

Remember, victories and defeats are equally important in the big picture. Pay close attention to both and you'll be the wiser for it.

#5: Celebrate other people's success and LEARN from them

Fixed Mindset people are resentful when their peers surpass them.

And when they fail, they turn their attention on the failures of others to lessen the blow to their pride.

Having a Growth Mindset means allowing yourself to be INSIPRED by others.

People with this mindset think to themselves, “Hey, if they can do it, so can I…”

But then they follow up this with, “By the way, HOW did they do it?”

Then they get to work and learn from the masters.

As Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.”

Ego is the enemy.

When it takes a backseat to a hunger for learning, you'll get further in life.

But the one thing I learned from success is that on some level, it can be an illusion.

I thought I had everything that anyone else in my shoes would want.

But over time, those superficial aspects of my “successful” life were just a shell.

Before I knew it, I felt empty inside.

On the surface, I had a good business going, a great relationship and it looked to everyonelike I was on the up and up.

Underneath all that, I was stretched thin and felt burned out all the time from my demanding life.

Add several thousand dollars of debt and deep-seated insecurity into the mix, and I felt like a fraud.

I was no longer growing as a person - I merely EXISTED.

I knew I had to stop slaving away 24/7 just to keep up the appearance of an Instagram-worthy life.

I wanted to live an enriching, abundant life, but I didn't want to crush my soul to have it.

That`s when I discovered an incredible secret.

It was the missing piece of the puzzle that allowed me to unlock the TRUE power of personal magnetism and the KEY to a life of wealth and success.

Some call this the IT factor but the truth is that it`s a powerful method that can be taught. And - it’s much, much easier to get than most people think.

Once you unlock your own personal magnetism it automatically makes people stand up and pay attention to you and your ideas…

It Makes them want to follow you…

And most importantly - it makes them want to give you opportunities...

And it’s this access to opportunities which guarantees those with personal magnetism ‘get ahead’ so much faster and easier than everybody else.

If you want to learn more, Here`s a video I recently uploaded that explains it all.

STOP Struggling and Live Life on Your Terms- Starting TODAY (VIDEO) >= [Link This Text via your affiliate link].

5 Daily Habits That Will Make You Successful


5 Daily Habits That Will Make You Successful

By: Mark Williams
Author of Presence, Power and Profit ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” ― Jim Ryun

A lot of people ask me, “What makes someone successful?”

Whenever I get this question, one story always comes to mind.

Stephen King is one of my all-time favorite authors. But it’s not just because of his books or unique style of writing.

He started writing short stories when he was 12. However, he didn’t get his big break until he got married to his wife Tabitha!

So that meant Stephen had to endure YEARS of rejection. He got turned down so much that he made a habit of collecting his rejection letters which he nailed to the wall.

It got to a point where he had to get a bigger nail to hold the letters that continued to pile up. Eventually, Stephen’s rejection letters came with a personal message, telling him not to give up on his dream.

And when he finally got around to writing the draft for his first book, “Carrie”, Stephen dumped it in the trash because he thought it wasn’t any good.

As fate would have it, his wife came across his discarded work while she was cleaning up.

Tabitha urged Stephen to finish what he started because she believed in him.

With a newfound sense of determination, he finished the book - and the rest is history.

If Stephen didn’t have the habit of powering through rejection (and a loving, supportive wife by his side), he wouldn’t have found the success that eluded him for so long.

While meeting obstacles with a “can do” attitude is an important habit, there’s a handful of other ones that will take you where you want to go.

Here are the Top 5 Habits to Help You Succeed in Anything You Do:

#1: Don’t make money the only criteria for success

T. Harv Eker shared a couple of priceless insights in his book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” which made a huge impact on me:

• “Just realize that no amount of money can ever make you good enough. Money can’t make you something you already are.”
• “Money is extremely important in the areas in which it works, and extremely unimportant in the areas in which it doesn’t.”

Interestingly enough, I came across a Forbes article that echoes the same idea. It talked about the biggest factors that motivate employees.

Two of them strongly resonated with me:

• Productivity suffers when workers feel they aren’t paid enough. Worse, they’ll get caught up with feeling resentful towards the company.
• Using money as the only reward for performing well tends to backfire. Employees who feel creative when doing a task are more motivated and empowered.
Money helps you function on a basic level, pays the bills and lets you enjoy life.
But clearly, it’s NOT the sole reason for being on earth.

And like Eker said, money can only get you so far.

You know this too. I’m willing to bet that the most wonderful experiences in your life had little to do with how much you had in your wallet at the time.

That’s why a finite and fluctuating resource like money isn’t the SUM of your achievements.

If you put a price tag on everything you do, or your self-worth…

…you’ll end up a like a dog chasing its tail.

You’ll never catch it, and it’ll wear out your soul in the process.

So as you work on making your goals happen every day, remember that money shouldn’t be your only focus.

Develop a more balanced, holistic outlook on success, and you’ll be more likely to get it.

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#2: Invest in knowledge

Building on what we just talked about, money is only one of the many resources to help you accomplish your ultimate goals.

In the game of life, knowledge is one of the most powerful assets you’ll own.

A HUGE part of success is continuously educating yourself, as well as the endless process of learning.

For instance, studying from the masters is a great way to get a leg up on the competition.

Whatever it is that you want to do, chances are someone’s already done it before. This is not a bad thing, and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

The important thing is that you learn about the BASICS of a trade, MASTER it, and keep yourself UPDATED on the latest developments.

Your local library and the Internet are your best friends.

They’re your gateway to any book, course or just about every imaginable shred of information on ANY topic.

As Zig Ziglar once said, “Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.”

So, make a habit of learning every day. Find the spare time to pick up a book, listen to a CD on your way to work, or fire up a podcast on your lunch break.

#3: Focus on your work like a boss

Brian Tracy is a motivational speaker and business coach who teaches people how to be successful.

He’s also helped over a thousand companies around the world to raise their profit margins, increase productivity and blaze past the competition.

And this is one of his most sacred rules: Work all the time you work. This is such a simple and elegant principle of success that people take for granted.

If they truly understood the importance of focusing on their work, it would create a PROFOUND effect on their lives.

Cal Newport, author of “Deep Work”, sums it up quite nicely:

“The key to developing a deep work habit is to move beyond good intentions and add routines and rituals to your working life designed to minimize the amount of your limited willpower necessary to transition into and maintain a state of unbroken concentration.”

And his claims are backed up by science. According to him, building a habit (such as focusing on work) builds stronger connections in your mind.

The neurons in your brain act as a circuit, and as you do something repeatedly…

…that same circuit in your head fires again and again…

…and it strengthens that particular connection in the process.

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#4: Invest in your health

Eating your vegetables and working out is probably the last thing on your mind when it comes to being successful, but that shouldn’t be the case.

Most people put this area of their life on the back burner, and they SUFFER as a result.

Look, you may be the picture of perfect health as you’re reading this, but don’t rely on good genetics to keep you going.

Somewhere along the way, you could get sick. This will take a huge toll on your savings, and it could take you out of the game indefinitely.

And no matter how much you make, you can’t afford to take your health for granted.

For instance, there are too many resources out there for you NOT to learn about eating healthy.

Exercise doesn’t always have to be at a fancy gym, either. There are free or low-cost options available if you know where to look.

And don’t forget about seeing a doctor regularly. It’s better to deal with a sickness now than later on.

Mental health is important, too. Learn about the daily habit of meditation and mindfulness to give yourself peace of mind.

If you really wanted to (and you should), you have the power to take small steps to stay strong and healthy.

Starting today, ditch the excuses and take care of yourself in whatever way you can. Every little bit adds up.

#5: Be willing to put in the work

Right now you might be thinking, “Yeah, I already knew that.”

But here’s the rub: knowing and DOING are not the same thing.

People say all the time that they want to have a successful life, make a ton of cash and live in a big house.

Wishful thinking doesn’t cut it. You can want all those things till the moon turns blue, but they won’t happen unless you consciously decide to COMMIT to your goals.

Most of the time, people don’t get past this stage because they don’t have the slightest clue on how to go about it!

You need to first visualize your goals in the most vivid way possible. Then put it down in writing.

Think about what you want to achieve as far as the big picture is concerned.

Do some reflection on the kind of life you want to live and the kind of value you want to create in this world.

Anchoring your mission on these basic things will give you the drive to succeed.

After you’ve spent time mapping out your mission in life, you’ll be able to break it down into smaller, doable goals you can work on every day.

Piece by piece, you’ll put that puzzle together.

But it won’t become a reality unless you commit to the DAILY HABIT of putting those pieces into place.

You’ll have days when you won’t feel like doing it. Challenges will come along that will knock the wind out of you, leaving you demoralized.

You might even want to quit at one point.

That’s ok. It’s perfectly human to feel like that from time to time.

But if you remind yourself of the reasons WHY you’re doing it in the first place…

…you can make the conscious decision to get through those negative emotions.

Feelings are temporary, resolve is forever.

This is why people who practice these habits seem to have this supernatural ability to attract tons of success without breaking a sweat.

But the truth is there’s nothing magical about it. Aside from their habits, they’ve got something else up their sleeve.

I’ve met a lot of other successful people over the years, and they come from all walks of life.

Whether they’re athletes, entrepreneurs, YouTubers, bloggers, musicians…

…or just about anyone who’s made their mark…

…they ALL have this ONE, overriding psychological trait that makes them successful.

Looking from the outside in, it’s like they’ve got a built-in magnet that attracts incredible opportunities into their lives.

But underneath the hype, it really boils down to a trait that psychologists call “Personal Magnetism”.

And all it takes are three simple keys to unlock this inner power.

Not many people know about this - but today, I’m giving you the chance to check out this short, free presentation while it’s still up:

Learn the THREE KEYS now and unleash your Personal Magnetism – CLICK HERE ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

7 Major Differences Between Rich People and Poor People


7 Major Differences Between Rich People and Poor People

By: Mark Williams
Author of Presence, Power and Profit ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

“Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we've got 24 hours each.” ― Christopher Rice

Richard Branson is one of the richest people on the planet.

He’s a prolific entrepreneur who’s founded several multimillion companies, many of which are under the Virgin group.

He’s also known for his philanthropic work. Richard has helped establish non-profit organizations that tackle issues related to the environment, child abuse, nuclear disarmament and much more.

According to Forbes, he’s worth $5.1 billion, easily making him a shining example of financial success.

But as wealthy as he is, Richard says that money has never been his motivation.

That’s pretty ironic, considering that everything he’s done has resulted in being incredibly rich.

In an interview, he said that his real passion is “creating things I can be proud of.”

Richard believes that by making THAT your focus, people will like what you made - and you’ll end up getting rich anyway.

What he said resonated with me. It seems that most people are only concerned (or even obsessed) with purely making money, and nothing more.

When you see money as the be-all, end-all of everything you do, it can backfire and keep you poor.

In my experience, having an unbalanced attitude towards money might earn you some of it now…

…but it won’t help you KEEP it in the long run.

To sustain long-term wealth, rich people live by other values that go beyond making money for the sake of it.

Here are the 7 biggest reasons why rich people and poor people stay the way they are:

#1: Rich people know their HOWs and WHYs, poor people are wishy-washy about getting wealthy

This is one of the biggest problems I see with a lot of folks.

They always talk about wanting to raise their income and improve their lives…

…but it’s just empty words and not a lot of follow through.

Intention is good, but taking action makes the REAL difference.

And a lot of people end up getting stuck in the “wanting” stage because they don’t have a crystal clear idea of two important things:

- WHY they want to get rich
- HOW they’re going to get rich
Having a sense of direction and purpose are crucial to making anything happen.

Without it, you’ll be stumbling aimlessly through life, then complain about the negative balance in your bank account.

Here’s a quick assignment you can do: make a mission-vision statement.

Do a little reflection and think about where you want to go in life. Consider the principles and values you live by, and how they fit into your overall plans.

Visualize the future you want, then get as detailed as you can about it.

Maybe you’re dreaming about being a world-class chef running a Michelin-starred restaurant. Or you see yourself putting up an animal shelter for abused and abandoned pets.

Think about what a typical day in that life would be like.

Imagine the kind of value you’d be adding to people’s lives, and the kind of positive impact you’d make in your community.

Then ask yourself, “What role does WEALTH play in realizing my big goals in life?”

Once you’ve got your compass pointing to your “True North”, you’ll have a much clearer set of goals to shoot for - and get excited about making money.

And best part is that it’ll be easier to break down those goals into smaller, more actionable steps.

That will make your wealth-building mission a lot less intimidating. This is definitely a good thing - fear is what stops most people from fully committing to their goals.

Click To Watch This Video: Scientists Call This The ONE MOST IMPORTANT Quality for Success ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

#2: Rich people love challenges, poor people run for the hills

I’m not judging anyone for avoiding their problems, but it certainly won’t help them get rich.

Procrastination, denial and blame are the top three symptoms among people who stay poor all their lives.

They put off working on a solution to their problems…

…deny the problem exists in the first place…

…and to top it off, they take zero responsibility, blaming everyone and everything.

Meanwhile, wealth-minded folks eat adversity for breakfast and dive headfirst into the uncomfortable.

They know it’s not always a pleasant thing to do, but they embrace it anyway.

Rich people treat challenges as a test of character. They get to work by figuring out how to improve themselves, or find out what they’re doing wrong.

In most cases, it’s a little bit of having to do both.

And after they get over a particularly pesky hurdle, they’re all the wiser and stronger for it.

#3: Rich people INVEST, poor people SPEND

Every payday, it’s the same cycle for poor folks.

Once the money comes in, they go out and buy the latest gadget they’ve had their eye on for the last couple of months.

After scratching that itch, they get around to paying the bills and other necessities.

Then they spend whatever they’ve got left on other stuff that doesn’t bring any value or help them make more money.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

If you want to be rich - and STAY that way – you need to get your priorities straight.

Cover your living expenses first, then reinvest a set portion of your income on something that offers long-term value.

This could be anything that allows you to grow in some way, like learning a new skill or upgrading an existing skill set.

Or it could be an asset to help you build more wealth later on.

Trust me, it’s a good idea to cultivate the discipline of funneling a percentage of your money into something productive.

This one habit will keep your entire paycheck from getting sucked into a black hole of spending.

I know it’s not exactly thrilling to have so little left over after doing this, but it will pay off in the long run.

Soon, you’ll be in a better position to earn more money, and eventually you’ll have more left over to spend on the non-essentials (a.k.a. the FUN stuff).

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#4: Poor people get their success BEFORE they’ve earned it, rich people play the LONG GAME

The truth is that you don’t have to be a financial wizard to earn your first million.

Even if you’ve never really been serious about getting rich up until now…

…it doesn’t mean you can’t learn the skills and mindset to be THAT person in the future.

And the main problem is that poor people have a hardwired belief that they’re “no good with money” or aren’t “good with money stuff.”

This sets them up for failure. They’re depriving themselves of the opportunity to LEARN how to get rich.

So, their lack of money management skills leads them to making terrible decisions. The most common one is falling into credit card debt.

However, that’s not to say taking out a loan for something useful in your life is a bad thing.

But in most cases, people end up broke because they use a credit card for things that don’t add value to their lives (see #3).

As much as possible, anything that you don’t absolutely need right at this moment should be paid for in cash.

If it’s not an asset to help you make more money, hold off on spending until you’ve actually worked for the money to pay for it.

#5: Poor people don’t take care of themselves, rich people value health above wealth

Your well-being is a basic but incredibly VITAL part of generating wealth – and this is one investment you can’t take for granted.

Poor people don’t think they can afford to keep themselves healthy, but it’s actually the opposite.

Don’t fall under the notion that you can just rely on good genetics or plain luck to avoid getting sick. If you make that gamble, you risk getting cleaned out if something does happen.

Of course, that’s not something I wish upon anyone. But remember, all it takes is one serious illness to cripple you financially (or physically).

So you should start taking steps to invest in your health today, even if you’re feeling well at the moment.

Hit the gym (or find free alternatives if membership fees are an issue), get regular check-ups, eat healthier (not easy I know, but still worth it) and get enough sleep.

Doing this will require time, discipline and money (but not too much if you do your homework).

But as far as the big picture is concerned, the long-term benefits outweigh the short-term inconvenience.

Having more energy and being able to think clearly will BOOST your ability to make money.

If you treat your mind and body with the respect and care that it deserves, you’ll be unstoppable.

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#6: Rich people want someone that inspires them, poor people want someone to be feel bad with

Ever heard of the expression, “Misery loves company”?

It looks like this isn’t just some arbitrary saying, as far recent research goes.

A study from the University of Arizona found that people have a tendency to seek others on the same wavelength. Their findings also show that a person’s mood isn’t really as “contagious” one might think.

After studying hundreds of roommates and romantic couples, they discovered that a person’s default emotional state - whether positive or negative…

…doesn’t have much to do with the changes in mood of the other people around them.

What this means is that you probably won’t be seeking out someone different, nor changing how they think or feel.

You’re more likely to hang out with someone you have a lot in common with in the first place.

This is why poor people stay poor – they don’t put a lot of thought into the company they keep.

They just “go with the flow”, and that keeps them stuck in a poverty mindset – especially if their friends resent other people’s success, or enjoy putting them down.

But there’s a flip side to that study:

You can consciously decide which people to hang out with, rather than doing it instinctively.

That way, you can manually set the “emotional thermostat” to operate on.

Rich people do this all the time. They seek out others who either inspire them, teach them something new, or both.

#7: Poor people focus on the wrong things, rich people focus on being grateful

Building on the last point, rich people don’t waste time trying to tear others down. They don’t live for finding something wrong with their family, friends or colleagues.

And they don’t focus on everything that’s wrong with the world, either.

Sure, wealth-minded folks are aware they don’t live in a perfect world - but they’d rather not dwell on that.

Instead, they get busy trying to add value to the world. And on top of that, they’re GRATEFUL for every good thing that comes their way.

By recognizing what they have now, rich people reach an even higher level of energy.

And this allows them to make even MORE money in the future.

The next time you get to enjoy something that others don’t (e.g. food, shelter, your partner, having a job), acknowledge that moment in your mind.

Chase that wonderful feeling as long as you can, and allow it to fill you with positive energy.

And if you’re up to it, take it one step further by recognizing someone who’s got it better than you.

It doesn’t matter if it’s your neighbor with a nice car or a co-worker who got promoted. Be happy for them and let them know about it.

Give them a quick “Hey, sweet ride!” or “Congrats, you deserve it!”

Trust me, this will do wonders for your soul.

When you come from a place of gratitude and appreciation, everything else will follow.

You’ll find yourself doing more positive things and experiencing more positive results.

And it will ultimately put you on the path to success.

Speaking of which, there’s one more factor that separates successful people from mediocre people.

To everyone else, it might seem like rich people have a natural “magnet” that attracts incredible amounts of wealth and success.

Endless opportunities just seem to fall into their lap - and the money just seems to keep pouring in.

But the REAL difference between people who generate massive wealth and those who don’t comes down to ONE single quality.

For years, psychologists couldn’t put their finger on this elusive X factor…

…until NOW.

They’ve discovered something called “Personal Magnetism”, and it’s the key to unlocking every opportunity for you to succeed beyond your expectations.

And the good news is that it’s ridiculously easy to have this quality and USE it.

It all begins by watching the video below:

Learn the three simple steps to Personal Magnetism NOW – CLICK HERE ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

10 Morning Routine Habits Of Successful People


10 Morning Routine Habits Of Successful People

By: Mark Williams
Author of Presence, Power and Profit ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

“How you greet your morning is like a boomerang. It always comes back to you. Remember this.” ― Stan Jacobs

Dwayne Johnson, also known by his wrestling show name “The Rock”, is one of the most recognized and highest-paid entertainers in the world.

Even if you don’t follow his career or haven’t seen most of his movies, you KNOW who he is.

Chances are you’ve seen him in something over the last couple of decades.

His towering stature and chiseled physique make him instantly recognizable, and everything about him says “International Superstar.”

Acting, wrestling, producing – you name it, he’s done it all.

If he’s not in the latest summer blockbuster, he’s knee-deep in another project that’s raking in millions easy.

And he’s showing no signs of slowing down.

The man is a BEAST.

And one thing he’s also famous for is his notorious habit of getting up at 4 AM every morning. When I first learned about this, I thought to myself, “Is he crazy or what? I know getting up early is important, but that’s borderline masochistic.”

But considering Dwayne’s net worth and his incredible string of successful movies and other ventures…

…not to mention being number 25 on Forbes’ list of Top 100 Most Powerful Celebrities AND the highest-paid actor in 2016…

… clearly he knows something we don’t.

As soon as his alarm goes off, he doesn’t waste any time hitting the weights. Once he’s done with working out, he launches straight into planning mode while having a high-powered breakfast.

It’s during this time when he catches up on projects he’s working on, along with the others he’s got in the pipeline.

And it turns out that a lot of other successful people who’ve established themselves in their respective fields also have morning habits that have served them well.

So if you want to maximize your hustle, you’d better starting building a set of your own morning habits.

Click Here To Learn How To Unlock Your Personal Magnetism ⇦ [Link this text via your affiliate link]

Is it worth being an early bird?

In a word, YES.

Getting into the habit of waking up ahead of everyone is, in fact, one of the best things you could do for yourself.

More than that however, having a whole series of morning rituals is a solid building block on your path to success.

Productivity equals success – there’s no way around that.

And having a reliable routine in the morning sets the stage for everything else you’ll do later on.

In the book “Deep Work”, Cal Newport stresses the importance of building habits in your life.

He says that “you get better at a skill as you develop more myelin around the relevant neurons, allowing the corresponding circuit to fire more effortlessly and effectively. To be great at something is to be well myelinated.”

So the more your brain gets used to doing something repeatedly, the better you’ll be at producing consistently high results.

That’s why it’s important to set these foundations now, so that the rest of your day runs like clockwork.

Without further ado, let’s count down the Top Morning 10 habits To Flip Your Brain’s Productivity Switch:

#10: Let the day wash over you


Ok, so the first thing you need to know is that your morning routine should start off low-pressure, then gradually crank up the speed as you go along.

Unless you’re in the military, you don’t need to hit the ground running the moment you open your eyes.

One of the reasons Dwayne Johnson gets up so early is to he can beat the sun to it. That way, he has a couple of hours of quiet alone time while everyone else is sleeping.

Now, you don’t have to watch the sun rise, but if you can manage to do so, it’s a wonderful experience.

It sets the tone for everything else to come, and you can gradually build up your momentum from this point on.

Even if you can’t wake up that early, it’s still nice to spend at least 30 minutes (or longer) after getting out of bed to simply gather your wits and reflect on the day ahead.

Just remember that in the later part of the day, you’ll be faced with a million decisions to make. So use this brief opportunity to savor the start of a new day.


#9: Get your mind right


Tony Robbins, a well-known life coach and philanthropist, sets aside time for what he calls the “Hour of Power”. This is when he does breathing exercises, sets goals and gets into affirmations.

It’s important to get in the right headspace to take on your day. Thus, meditation and inner reflection gives you the mental leverage to tackle the most difficult tasks weighing heavily on your mind.

Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter does this as well (along with exercising), which helps him clear his mind and get ready to handle the day ahead.

Getting started is as easy as sitting down with your eyes closed so you can focus on the rhythm of your breath. You’ll then enter a state of mindfulness, which is paying attention to the present moment and nothing else.

After that, you can start doing affirmations, which are basically statements of kindness and encouragement that you repeat to yourself. They bring attention to your positive qualities and strengths, as well as things you want to accomplish.

Here are a few examples:

  • “I am loved by the people around me.”
  • “I am stronger than I think.”
  • “I am productive and provide value to the world.”
  • “I have what it takes to close that sale today.”
  • “Getting that big task done is easier than it looks.”

By encouraging yourself, you’ll get used to the fact that you’re enough.

Everything you do and everything you are serves the exact purpose you were meant to fulfill today - and in the weeks to come.


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#8: Plan Your Success!


Now that you’ve taken some time to get your bearings, you can move on to tackling your goals for the day.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as the day goes by. So, the earlier you sort out and prioritize your to-do’s, the more you’ll feel on top of things.

Furthermore, it’s crucial you have an overall sense of purpose so you don’t stumble through the day without a clear idea of what to accomplish.

Get specific with what you want to do, and put a certain quantity and deadline along with it  (e.g. run 2 miles by 8:00 AM).

Once you cross that off your list, you’ll have a greater sense of accomplishment. Then, you’re motivated to get even more done.


#7: Do something you hate


Speaking of your to-do list, everyone has that ONE item that they don’t look forward to doing.

And it’s exactly why you should get it out of the way as soon as you can.

Look, willpower is a finite resource. So it makes sense to expend your energy on that unpleasant task while you’re still in a better position to do so.

Brian Tracy, a motivational coach, author and public speaker, calls this “eating the frog”.

He recommends you wolf down that slimy amphibian as early as possible. After that, everything else will seem like a cakewalk.

It won’t be fun, but your future self will thank you for gritting your teeth and powering through it.

#6: Get your endorphin fix


Barack Obama once said, “I'm trying to pare down decisions. I don't want to make decisions about what I'm eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make.”

It’s this kind of efficiency we should all strive for in the morning. As you learn to put some basic things on autopilot, you can better focus your energy on the big things instead.

And one of the things the former leader of the free world can’t do without is exercise. His regimen consists of both strength and cardio training, but you should do what works best for your lifestyle.

The important thing is that you put in the time to sweat it out every morning. This is part of kicking your mind and body into high gear, and leads to greater productivity during the day.


#5: Build your positivity muscles


Most people don’t realize that their state of mind is a matter of choice.

They do this unconsciously, whether they focus on the brighter side of things…

…or choose to assume the worst in everyone and everything around them.

So, your mornings are an excellent time for you to practice a little self-awareness.

Be honest and ask yourself, “Do I have a ton of complaints running in my head as I get ready for my day?”

If you’re learning towards “Um, yeah”, then this is your chance to reverse that mindset and replace it with GRATITUDE.

Find the time to really think about the things you often take for granted, no matter how small they are.

It could be the fact that you have hot running water in the dead of winter, a hearty breakfast to look forward to…

…a partner who loves you, having high-speed internet, wearing your favorite pair of sneakers…

…or being able to get out of bed and walk upright.                           

This attitude sends the right energy to the Universe, which then finds its way back to you.

And when you turn this into a lifelong mental habit, it’ll keep you strong even when things suck. You can list them down on paper every day, or you can do it mentally as you’re meditating.

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#4: Set it up the night before


Ok, so technically this isn’t a morning habit. But your mornings will run more efficiently if you put in a little prep time before hitting the sack.

For example, you can pick out your work and exercise clothes, clean up your desk, declutter your room, and so on. There’s something about resetting your work and living space that sets the right tone for the day.

But if you pulled an all-nighter (which is hopefully not too often), try to do it early in the day the following morning instead.  Besides, your brain shouldn’t be swarming with crucial decisions at this time of the day.

So, use this time to think about what you need to do while doing the dishes, sweeping the floor or taking out the trash.


#3: Reconnect with your “why”


In one of the most iconic speeches in recent history, Steve Jobs shared the one thing he always did in the morning.

He told the 2005 graduates of Stanford University, “…for the past 33 years I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I’m about to do today?’”

This kind of question might sound scary at first, but it crystalizes your life’s mission.

It’s a daily reminder to make the most of the time you have on earth.

In the greater scheme of things, it’s pointless to hold on to petty grudges, get caught up in selfish agendas or let the fear of trying hold you back.

So if you don’t have a mission-vision yet, you’d better get on that ASAP.

Get to the core essence of what you want to do in life, whether it’s sending your kids to college, finding the cure to cancer, or opening your own coffee shop.

Then use your early waking hours to reacquaint yourself with your ultimate goals. Read that mission statement to yourself in the morning, or make it part of your mantra during your reflection time.


#2: Eat Breakfast


Your body needs fuel to run, simple as that. You can’t expect to operate at full mental and physical capacity if you’re running on fumes.

For one thing, having enough food to burn in the morning helps stabilize your blood sugar levels.

If you skip breakfast, it’ll make you hungrier and cause you eat more than usual. This forces your body to produce more insulin than normal to handle fluctuations in your blood sugar.

Eventually, this could develop into diabetes – and that’s going seriously hamper your productivity.

Plus, there are other risks involved, like weight gain, heart disease, elevated cholesterol levels and higher blood pressure.

In other words, you can’t afford to gloss over your first meal of the day if you want to keep playing the success game.

Of course, that also means your breakfast needs to be healthy and well-balanced.

Going for that sugar-laden, fat-filled muffin might not be the best choice. Instead, go for something more sensible, like protein-rich food and a good serving of whole grains while you’re at it.

Cereals, yogurt and juice are ok, but proceed with caution. Your typical grocery aisle is filled with brands that are loaded with sugar and other processed ingredients that does more harm than good.

Do some research and pick the ones that won’t send your sugar levels through the roof.


#1: Get enough sleep, wake up early


Like breakfast, having a decent amount of shut-eye is essential. The National Sleep Foundation says adults need anywhere between 6-9 hours to recharge at night.

Skipping on this one also poses a bunch of health risks, like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity…

...not to mention lowered cognitive abilities, bad memory and shortened life expectancy.

Here are a few tips for better sleep:

  • NO laptops or mobile devices in bed. Their screen emits blue light which tell your brain to stay awake instead of following your natural circadian rhythm.


  • Stick to a consistent bedtime. Decide what time you want to get up, and work your way back to find out what time you should be in bed.


  • Make your room conducive for sleep. Draw the curtains, keep the temperature between 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit, and make sure your mattress and pillows support your neck and back.

It’s in your best interest to get this squared away so you can keep being awesome at what you do.

Remember, success isn’t an accident. It’s a deliberate set of choices that you make every day.

Habits aren’t always hip, cool or easy. Sometimes, those decisions aren’t any fun, either.

Muhammad Ali said that he hated every minute of his training, but the results speak for themselves. So when it comes to being successful, these morning rituals will be your best friends.

Speaking of success, there is one quality I’ve discovered which can help you naturally attract the things most of us only dream about.

A lot of folks struggle to find happiness, create wealth and have fulfilling relationships.

But as it turns out, anyone can develop a specific trait that allows them to have all of this without wasting years of their life chasing it.

It comes down to three simple steps, which you can learn about in this free presentation:

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